The Latest Projects and Upcoming Events in Mulliken
Serving Our Village with Transparency and Relevant News
The Village of Mulliken is accepting bids for the current leaf pick up truck. Current bids should begin at $7500. It is available for viewing at 263 Main Street at the Village barn and available by appointment for detailed review and test drive. Vehicle is a 1996 Ford Vac All Diesel. Vehicle motor is good with 3987 miles, but vac is not in working order.
The Village of Mulliken is accepting applications for part time maintenance position which will involve snow removal, lawn mowing, small equipment maintenance and other light maintenance duties. This position will require a CDL. This position will involve training from current DPW position. It will not involve any sewer or lagoon operations. Applicant should have very broad shoulders and be able to handle all kinds of ridicule from community face book page.
The Latest Projects And Upcoming Events In Mulliken
A One-Stop Website for the Needs of Our Local Community
Committed to Transparency
We created this site to let our community pay sewerage fees conveniently, and more importantly, to give more details on the upcoming events and projects. This allows us to continue our dedication to being transparent with our citizens regarding town activities.
Get to Know Members Of Our Local Community
Aside from keeping everyone updated with the latest and accurate information on different events, we also want to foster a sense of belongingness within our community. This is why we also post details on some of the paramount residents of our village.
Reach Out to Us Today
For more information about our village, get in touch with us today. We look forward to hearing from you soon.